Im not going to lie, I almost once ripped my heart out my chest messing with some girl that I thought I was so in love with. I had my ipod on forever. I played every love song I could ever think of. Especially the ones that says "oh it's going to be just fine now that you are gone" You know, songs of that nature. I had this scar for a long time and was really confused after a horrible break up. The one song that really could have made things much better is the one By Eamon. FUCK IT ( I DONT WANT YOU BACK) That song right there, lolz thats what I needed. It didnt run cross my mind at the time. Earlier this morning a friend of mine posted it on his profile.. Im like ooohhh snapp!! I remember this!!!!!!! lolz This how once felt thou. Still dont want her back thou. Lolz. Check it out , it'll probably help you relieve some stress. =)
Eamon- Fuck it (I dont want you back)