Jonathan McCoy is an 11-year-old kid who is against the word “n*gga” and he’s not backing down. After 1 millon plus YouTube viewings, McCoy made his way to CNN. Thanks to Don Lemon, the underage successor had an opportunity to tell the planet (on one of the biggest news networks in the world) his plan to change the way people speak and think.

According to the HuffingtonPost.com McCoy is “campaigning to have the N-word removed from the English language.” He believes that the racially sensitive term “provides great determent and takes away from the rich cultural heritage of black people” throughout the world.

If you agree with McCoy, click here to sign the petition to delete the n-word from the english language and forbid the usage of the word being used on radio, songs aired and in film. His goal is to get 100,000 online supporters.

Check out McCoy on CNN.


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