I dont know if you heard of my good friend Mike Dreams, a talented young up and coming artist from MN, my home town. This guy is not someone I grew up with, but he was the guy from around the way that I knew. Whenever we saw each other it was always LOVE. Well his music really inspired me allot. I reached out to him about a project that I feel describe both of us pretty well. This guy never sleeps, I serious never met anyone who stays up for 48 hours straight with all the energy in the world. I stay up late sometimes myself to get work done but not as long as Mike does. NO NO NO!! LOL. Well he had an idea of making shirts with the saying "INSOMNIAC FOREVER!", being that he never sleeps. I was like okay lets go for it.
So be expecting these shirts for sale pretty soon. Feel free to cop one if you like. THEY WILL BE LIMITED SO THAT EXPLAINS IT...=)


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